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MIL OSI Translation. Region: Russian Federation –

Source: Bank “ROSSIA” Russia Bank –

Press releases and events


Bank “ROSSIA” entered the top 3 rating of the most profitable loan offers

Bank RUSSIA was among the top three in the rating of consumer loans in February 2024, compiled by the financial service Bankiros.

Analysts praised the program “MONEY IS OPPORTUNITIES”. A loan under this program is provided for any purpose – apartment renovation, vacation, training or other urgent needs in the amount of up to 5 million rubles for a period of up to 60 months. The interest rate currently ranges from 20.5% to 26.5%.

DuringresearchThe current conditions of credit programs of Russian banks were compared. When selecting, analysts paid attention to the size of the minimum and maximum interest rates, the period for reviewing the application, the loan term, possible amounts and complexity of registration.

You can apply for a loan Online. You can find out more about the products at the Bank’s offices or by calling the 24-hour contact center: 8 800 100 11 11 (calls within Russia are free).

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Note; This information is raw content directly from the source of the information. This is exactly what the source states and does not reflect the position of MIL-OSI or its clients.

Please note; This information is raw content directly from the information source. It is accurate to what the source is stating and does not reflect the position of MIL-OSI or its clients.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a translation. Apologies should the grammar and or sentence structure not be perfect.

MIL OSI News (multilanguage service)